Beethoven and Van Gogh: Myths of Creativity, Genius and Madness

MUSIC 1171

This course draws into dialogue the creative ambitions, artistic production, critical reception and the historical construction of personae and oeuvres of two exceptionally productive and iconic artists who worked in different media: Ludwig von Beethoven (1770-1827) in music and Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) in painting. We will introduce students to methods of musical and art historical analysis, and then build on those skills to examine the historical contexts within which these artists worked, as well as the ways in which their reputations were established. This course will also consider how Beethoven and Van Gogh became exemplars of creativity and genius for later audiences and artists, leading us to explore fundamental and provocative questions in the humanities. Course is for first-year, non-transfer students only.
Course Attributes: EN H; FYS; AS HUM; FA HUM; AR HUM; BU Hum

Section 01

Beethoven and Van Gogh: Myths of Creativity, Genius and Madness
INSTRUCTOR: Childs, Stefaniak
View Course Listing - FL2024