Edison Ovations Series presents AnDa Union

A breakthrough hit at the 2012 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, AnDa Union is part of a musical movement that is finding inspiration in the old and forgotten.  Self-described music gatherers, these young Mongolians from Hohhot, China dig deep into Mongol traditions and draw their musical inspiration from a repertoire of magical music that had all but disappeared. Holding on to the essence of Mongolian music while creating a form of new music, AnDa Union performs with indigenous instruments-the morin huur (horse head fiddle), the maodun chaoer (a three-holed flute), Mongolian versions of the lute, and the mouth harp and traditional throat singing-combining different traditions and styles of music from all over Inner and Outer Mongolia.

Tickets:  $36-General, $32-Senior, $28 WU Faculty/Staff, $20 Child/Student