Department of Music Lecture: "Adventures in Functional Space, an Expanded Map of Harmonic Function"

John Bayne, Ph.D. Student in Music Theory, Washington University in St. Louis

"Adventures in Functional Space, an Expanded Map of Harmonic Function"

Theories of harmonic function usually fall into content and context-based theories. The former theorizes function in terms of similarity to prototypical triads, generally the tonic, dominant, and subdominant chords. The latter categorizes chords into functions based on their movement to and from other harmonies. While context-based theories provide insightful methods for tracking how chords behave, why chords behave this way cannot be fully explained without some reference to their scale-degree content. Previous content-based approaches have also left a gap, as they do not present a space for chromatic chords that includes precise placement for the degree of similarity to a prototype.

To fill this gap, I provide an expanded space of functional similarity for minor and major triads in tonal classical music. Single applications of P, L, and R generate the first level of similarity to a prototype, and compound operations, such as PL and PLP, produce the second and third levels of functional similarity. The theory presented possesses both theoretical and analytical advantages. In addition to refining the criteria by which harmonies belong in a given function class, the space also provides great power to deal with functional, but highly chromatic textures, excavating both functional coherency and expressive flexibility.

John is pursuing a Ph.D. in music theory at Washington University in St. Louis. His research focuses on musical grammars and syntax in romantic piano music, and the ways these relate to linguistic syntax. John also researches semiotic connections between music and language in video game and film music, particularly in respect to the concept of musical affect. Additionally, John is also interested in generative theories of music, and the ways these relate to musical cognition. Particularly, he wishes to examine the way the human mind processes the hierarchical structure of tonal music, and the way multiple levels in the musical structure emerge from a defined ruleset. He also examines questions in the overlaps between philosophy and music, and has published a paper on possible worlds theory entitled “On the Nature of Possible Worlds.”

Prior to Washington University, John received his undergraduate degree as a double major in music theory and philosophy at Furman University. His undergraduate senior thesis, “Decatonic Symmetry, Formal and Tonal Structure in Stravinsky's Sonata for Piano" examined the use of ten-notes scales in Stravinsky’s tonal language.