Graduate Concentrations

Descriptions and Degree Requirements


The Department offers the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Music (concentration in Musicology), with emphases possible in all historical periods and ethnomusicology, supplemented by intensive study in music theory and diverse opportunities for performance. The program encompasses several approaches, all directed to increasing the student's ability to think and write critically about music and music-making. Students study analytical methods and theoretical knowledge in order to learn how such approaches enhance the understanding of musical works. They are exposed to research methods, notation and editing principles, source studies, and stemmatics to provide background on how to develop a critical text as the basis for musical interpretation.

The program encourages students to explore and apply the various methodologies and critical theories to diverse repertoires. Broad-based faculty research interests make this possible. This expertise of the faculty combined with the interests and research of the theory and composition faculty, enable the Department to offer an especially strong program of study in 18th, 19th, and early 20th century music. The early Western periods are also well-represented, as is a strong cultural theory component, directed at jazz and ethnomusicology. Another distinctive aspect of this program is the focus that it places on preparing students for a career in teaching as well as in research. Students develop their teaching skills with the help of individual faculty mentors, and they have the opportunity to be teaching assistants in both history and theory courses.

Musicology Degree Requirements

M.A. - 36 units of graduate study

  • 12 units of music history and musicology
  • 6 units of music theory
  • 18 units of electives
  • keyboard proficiency
  • reading knowledge of 1 foreign language
  • thesis

Ph.D. - 72 units of graduate study
(60 in course work and 12 in dissertation research)

  • 9 units of foundations (research, bibliography, and notation)
  • 24 units of musicology
  • 12 units of music theory
  • 6 units outside of music
  • 1 unit of undergraduate pedagogy seminar
  • Electives as needed to complete 60 units
  • 12 units of dissertation research
  • keyboard proficiency
  • reading knowledge of 2 foreign languages (German and either French, Italian, or Latin, or a substitute, according to the student's needs)
  • written and oral qualifying examinations (which occur after the completion of 60 units)
  • dissertation and the final oral defense of the dissertation
  • completion of teaching requirements

Students who have completed a Master's degree at another institution may receive up to 24 units of transfer credit toward the Ph.D. The normal course load for a graduate student is 12 units per semester in the first year and 9 units per semester in subsequent years.

Music Theory

Creative analysis and critical examination of assumptions about music and musical discourse constitute the core of graduate study in Music Theory at Washington University. Graduate students committed to the close study of musical works and the process of musical thinking will find a welcome environment at the Department, which offers the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Music (concentration in Music Theory). The graduate program prepares students to undertake research in musical analysis and in the language and methodology of music theory. Preparation includes guiding each student in developing his or her own modes of thought and expression.  From the beginning of their course of study, students develop mentor relationships with faculty members and undertake independent reading and research projects. All students participate in the Theory Colloquium, where graduate students and faculty meet regularly to discuss their current research, topics of common interest, recent publications, and musical works.

Faculty research interests encompass critical examination of methodology, contextual, and phenomenological analysis, Schenkerian theory, serial analysis, the role of figurative language in apprehending musical works, gender studies, and comparative studies in literary theory. The research of the theory faculty is focused most closely on Western European repertory from the 18th to the 20th centuries.

Music Theory Degree Requirements

M.A. - 36 units of graduate study

  • 12 units of music theory
  • 9 units of music history and bibliography
  • 3 units of Intro to Contemporary Music Theory
  • 12 units of electives
  • keyboard proficiency
  • reading knowledge of 1 foreign language
  • thesis

Ph.D. - 72 units of graduate study

  • 9 units of foundations (intro to contemporary pop music theory, bibliography, history of theory)
  • 18 units of music theory
  • 6 units of composition
  • 12 units of music history
  • 6 units outside of music
  • 17-21 units of electives
  • 1 unit of undergraduate pedagogy seminar
  • 0-4 units of theory colloquium
  • keyboard proficiency
  • reading knowledge of 2 foreign languages (German and either French, Italian; a computer language may be substituted for the second language according to the student's needs)
  • written and oral qualifying examinations
  • dissertation with the final oral defense of the dissertation
  • completion of teaching requirement

Students who have completed a Master's degree at another institution may receive up to 24 units of transfer credit toward the Ph.D. The normal course load for a graduate student is 12 units per semester in the first year and 9 units per semester in subsequent years.


If you have any questions, please contact Paul Steinbeck, the director of graduate studies.

Email Professor Steinbeck