Music History II: The Invention of Classical Music, 1700-1850

MUSIC 3012

This course is a historical, critical exploration of "classical music." During our focus period-the long eighteenth and nineteenth centuries-musicians and audiences invented what we now know as the culture of classical music, creating some of its canonic musical works and developing its core institutions and belief systems. In this course, we will work inside and beyond the score. We'll engage in intensive listening and analysis, from songs to symphonies. We'll also consider broader cultural issues, particularly: How did the culture of classical music reflect the social ambitions of privileged musicians and listeners? What and who got marginalized within this culture, and how can we discover more inclusive, diverse histories of classical music? PREREQ: Music 121, or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes: EN H; BU Hum; AS HUM; AS WI I; FA HUM; AR HUM; AS LCD

Section 01

Music History II: The Invention of Classical Music, 1700-1850
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