Music, Sound, and the Body

MUSIC 3033

How do musicians use their bodies when creating music? How do audiences, listeners, and dancers feel music in their bodies and contribute to making sound? This course explores embodied perspectives on making, sensing, and moving to music and sound. Examining theories of the body and the senses as they relate to sound practices, the course draws on scholarship from ethnomusicology, anthropology, sound, dance and performance studies, music cognition and other fields. Case studies include EDM, reggae, and salsa dance; Afro-Brazilian and Buddhist religious practices; and music healing and therapy. Because centering the body means considering lived experience along intersecting axes of difference, course readings and discussions will focus on issues of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and (dis)ability. Students will develop their own ethnographic project, and they will be asked to participate in music-movement workshops throughout the course. However, neither previous dance experience nor normative bodily ability are required.
Course Attributes: EN H; BU Hum; AS HUM; AS LCD; FA HUM; AR HUM; AS SC