Chamber Choir Concert: Her Voice, Her Song, A Celebration of Women Composers

Students in the WashU Chamber Choir will perform a concert under the direction of Dr. John McDonald. 


Featuring the WashU Chamber Choir
With Special Guests
Ritenour High School Chamber Choir
Webster Groves High School Chamber Singers
Lindbergh High School A Cappella Concert Choir


Ritenour High School Chamber Choir
Stephanie Ruggles, director
Brook Bisaillon, piano

Change (2024) Melissa Dunphy
Music of Life (2024) B.E. Boykin

Webster Groves Chamber Singers
Jaylen Davis-Vaughn, director
Sandra Geary, piano

La Li Ley (2024) Tracy Wong
Heart of Gold (2024) Jocelyn Hagen
There Was a Time (2021) Elaine Hagenberg

Lindbergh High School A Cappella Concert Choir
Laura Swearingen, director
Brook Bisaillon, piano

Measure Me Sky! (2022) Elaine Hagenberg
All Flesh is Grass from Suite Remembrance (2019) Melissa Dunphy

Washington University in St. Louis Chamber Choir
John McDonald, director
Sandra Geary, piano

Yemaya Assessu: A Hymn of Thanksgiving (2018) Yoruba Chant arranged by Judy A. Rose
Maya Tylis, Danielle Bryden, Isabella Lombardy, trio
Crystal Lovato, Meghan Elliott, Jared Berger, and Reece Gray, quartet

Hope Lingers On (2017) Lissa Schneckenburger arranged by Andrea Ramsey

The Wisdom of the Moon (2017) Susan LaBarr
Brittany Rogus, soloist

They Are Mother (2022) Jennifer Lucy Cook
Addis Tafesse and Meghan Elliot, soloists

Combined Choirs
John McDonald, conductor
Sandra Geary, piano

How Can I Keep from Singing? (1996) Quaker Hymn arranged by Gwyneth Walker