Alexis Rose

M.A. Musicology
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    Alexis is pursuing a master’s degree in musicology at Washington University in St. Louis. She received a Bachelor of Music degree in vocal performance from the University of Mississippi where she initially became interested in research through a desire to gain a historical perspective on her performance repertoire. This interest developed into a fascination with twentieth-century music, which prompted an exploration of a theatrical representation of “musical potentiality spaces” in Luciano Berio’s Rendering (1989). Additional interests include a range of topics that fall under the umbrella of Romanticism, above all threads of continuity between artistic spheres in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Her latest research culminated in a paper that considered the “domestication of the sublime” in the works of William Wordsworth and John Constable, as well as the musical manifestation of this idea in Gustav Mahler’s Wunderhorn symphonies.