flute and sheet music

Practice Rooms & Instrument Storage

Practice Rooms

Practice rooms are located in Tietjens Hall, the 560 Music Center, and in many of the University's dormitories.  Please help us maintain our instruments by refraining from eating or drinking in the practice modules.  If you discover any problems with practice room pianos in Tietjens Hall, please report them to Jessica Flannigan (flanniganj@wustl.edu).  For issues with practice room pianos at the 560 Music Center, please contact Ben Worley (b.worley@wustl.edu).

Tietjens Hall
Blewett/Tietjens/Music Classroom Building:
M-F: 7:00 am – 10:00 pm; Sat/Sun: 7:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tietjens Second Floor Practice Room Hours: 
24/7 availability if you access the building during building hours above. 

560 Music Center
Practice Rooms and Lesson Studios
Monday - Friday; 8:30 am - midnight;
Sat/Sun: 9:00 am - midnight

You must bring your WUSTL ID to swipe into these locations. 

Practice rooms are available in many of the University's dormitories.  For specific information, locations, or questions about use of these practice rooms, please contact Residential Life at 935-5050.



Instrument Storage


For questions about instrument storage, please contact Ben Worley.