flute players

Rebates, Fees & Refund Policy


Note: Fees for the 2024-2025 academic year will be announced by July 15, 2024. 

Applied Music Instruction Fees Wash U Day School Student
14 One-hour Lessons (2 Credits) $981
14 Half-hour Lessons (1 Credit) $490
Small Ensembles (Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Combos) (1 Credit) $297
Group Voice, Piano, Guitar, and Tabla Classes $0
Large Ensembles (Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Concert Choir, Chamber Choir) (1 Credit) $0

Your student account will be billed for any applicable applied music fees February 19-22nd.


Important Note: All students receiving need-based financial aid will automatically receive a rebate for their lessons as outlined above. Music majors and minors whose declaration has been approved by September 15th (for the fall semester) or February 13 (for the spring semester) will automatically receive the proper rebate as well. Large Ensemble members will complete a rebate request form during their first rehearsal of the semester to claim the large ensemble rebate. 
Employee tuition benefits do not cover private applied music lessons.


Declared Music Majors

(100% Rebate)

Students with Need-based Financial Assistance

(Sliding Scale Rebate Based on Finanical Need as Determined by SFS)

Declared Minors Participating in a Large Ensemble

(100% Rebate)

Other Students Participating in Large Ensembles 

(50% Rebate)

Declared Minors with No Large Ensemble Participation

(20% Rebate)

Private Instruction
  • One-hour Lesson:
    $981 rebate
  • Half-hour Lesson: $490 rebate

Sliding scale based on financial need eligibility levels 1-5:

  • 1= 0%
  • 2= 29% rebate
  • 3= 59% rebate
  • 4= 89% rebate
  • 5= 100% rebate
  • One-hour Lesson: $981 rebate
  • Half-hour Lesson: $490 rebate
  • One-hour Lesson:    $490 rebate
  • Half-hour Lesson:  $245 rebate

(Cannot be combined with financial need, larger of two rebates will be applied)

  • One-hour Lesson: $197 rebate
  • Half-hour Lesson: $98 rebate
Small Ensembles

Full Rebate on one small ensemble

  • $297 rebate
Sliding scale based on financial need eligibility levels.

Full Rebate on one small ensemble 

  • $297 rebate

50% Rebate on one small ensemble

  • $149 rebate

(Cannot be combined with financial need, larger of two rebates will be applied)

  • $59 Rebate

All rebates can be applied for up to two instruments and one small ensemble. Taking lessons on a third instrument and/or second small ensemble will be charged in full.

Music minor and ensemble rebates cannot be combined. 

Financial Need rebates are automatically granted to students with demonstrated financial needs as determined by the Office of Student Financial Services (SFS). All need-based awards require verification of aid status by SFS. Please note that financial assistance is only available for undergraduate students. Graduate students in departments other than Music are not eligible for rebates. 

Students with exceptional need may petition Ben Worley for full coverage of private lessons. Petitions will not be accepted after the “No refunds given” deadline (See Refund Policies below). Students must re-petition at the beginning of each academic year. 

Refund Policies

A student who officially withdraws within the refund period will receive a refund in accordance with the refund schedule (see refund grid below).  All refunds are calculated from the date on which the student drops the course on WebSTAC. If you drop applied music lessons, you will forfeit any rebate or scholarship amounts that you were due to receive.  Should you choose to drop during the refund timeframe, your student account will receive a MUSI charge for the percentage of the lesson fee based on your drop date.

Registration and Refund Deadlines - Spring 24 Date
Last day to drop with a 100% refund Jan 25
Last day to drop with a 50% refund Feb 1
Last day to drop with a 25% refund Feb 8
No refunds given after Feb 9

For any questions regarding fees, scholarships, and rebates please contact Ben Worley (b.worley@wustl.edu)