Symphony Orchestra featuring Lillie Kang, flute and Ken Kulosa, cello

Special thanks to Friends of Music for their annual support of the Friends of Music Concerto and Aria Competition. 

The WashU Symphony Orchestra students will perform under the direction of Darwin Aquino, Conductor-in-Residence, and will feature Friends of Music Concerto and Aria Competition winner Lillie Kang in the Gordeli Flute Concerto, and WashU faculty cellist Ken Kulosa in Saint-Saëns' Cello Concerto No. 1.  Other composers on the program include Cerón, Mendelssohn, & Márquez.



"Crossing Borders"
Ruy Blas Overture by Mendelssohn
Flute Concertino by Gordeli, featuring Lillie Kang as concerto competition winner of 2022-2023
Cello Concerto No. 1 in A minor, Op. 33, Saint-Saëns, featuring Ken Kulosa
(short intermission)
A La Caída De La Tarde by José Dolores Cerón (1897-1969)
Conga del Fuego Nuevo by Arturo Márquez