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Dr. Patrick Burke, Professor of Music, won the Outstanding Faculty Mentor award from WashU's Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

PhD Student Christina Smiley received a Graduate Fellowship through CRE2
Parkorn Wangpaiboonkit Awarded 2024 ACLS Fellowship

A review of the Great Artists Series Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra

Great Artists Series: Grammy nominee Joyce Yang performs March 24 - The Source

Great Artists Series: Tafelmusik and ‘Passions Revealed’ - The Source

PhD Student Tad Biggs invited to give a talk as part of the Julia Perry Centenary Celebration & Festival

World-renowned pianist Jeremy Denk to perform in St. Louis as part of Great Artist Series - St. Louis Dispatch

"Denk will kick off Washington University's 2024 Great Artists Series with solo recital and book talk." - STL Magazine

Christopher Stark is the new curator for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra performances at the Pulitzer Arts Foundation

Friends of Music Concerto Competition Winners Announcement Fall '22

The spark for ‘Fire Ecologies’

Washington University announces 2023 Great Artists Series - Learn more in The Source

J'Nai Bridges will kick off 2023 Great Artists Series of classical concerts

Faculty composer Chris Stark named a '22-'23 Rome Prize winner

"WashU and Sheldon welcome DakhaBrakha" - article from The Source

An interview with Attacca Quartet's violinist Domenic Salerni in STL Magazine

Grammy-winning Attacca Quartet's performance in the Great Artists Series was featured in The Source

Alumni Feature - In honor of the Dept of Music's 75th Anniversary - Jennifer Klauder, Associate Director of Communications at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts

Jazz News reviews The Art Ensemble of Chicago, the French translation of Paul Steinbeck's book Message to Our Folks, published by the Presses Universitaires du Midi.

Faculty composer, Chris Stark talks about his new work "Second Nature"

Learn more from The Source about 'What Belongs to You' - an opera in progress

Alumni Feature - In honor of the Dept of Music's 75th Anniversary - Dr. Miller

Alumni Feature - In honor of the Dept of Music's 75th Anniversary - Rev. Dr. Liu

WashU student composer Joseph Mosby premieres his song Entropy with WashU faculty
Cellist Jeremy Lin - Winner of the Friends of Music Concerto & Aria Competition '21-'22

WashU's Lauren Eldridge Stewart recently contributed to a BBC Radio 4 Soul Episode

Washington University partners with Sheldon for Whitaker World Music Series
The Calyx Trio was awarded its second Classical Commissioning Grant from Chamber Music America

Learn more from The Source about the '22 Great Artists Series
Daniel Fister received an award from the Society for Ethnomusicology

Alexander Stefaniak's book "Becoming Clara Schumann: Performance Strategies and Aesthetics in the Culture of the Musical Canon" is available for pre-order.
The STL Post-Dispatch featured an article on the '22 Great Artists Series Announcement

CRE2-Department of Music-The Sheldon Partnership
PhD Candidate Elena Arredondo Farel awarded a Center for the Humanities Fellowship
PhD Candidate Daniel Fister awarded a Margery Lowens Dissertation Research Fellowship

WashU flutists win first and second place in young artist competition

Pianist Cindy Lu wins spot in competitive masterclass with Victor Rosenbaum

The Art Ensemble of Chicago, the French translation of Paul Steinbeck's book Message to Our Folks, was just published by the Presses Universitaires du Midi. The edition features a preface by Ludovic Florin and an afterword by Alexandre Pierrepont.
"Tear Down the Walls: White Radicalism and Black Power in 1960s Rock," the latest book by Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology Patrick Burke is now available.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Musicology Paula Clare Harper has been named named the new Assistant Professor of Musicology in the Glenn Korff School of Music

Faculty member Cally Banham will host "Tango with Cally," a weekly show on Classic 107.3.

Todd Decker and Lauren Eldridge Stewart will participate in a symposium this April - a collaboration between WashU and OTSL

2021 Friends of Music Concerto & Aria Competition Winners

Paula Harper launches “Music Scholarship at a Distance”

Coming soon to WashU - Eric Owen, bass-baritone with Jeremy Denk, piano

Flutist Cameron Perrin wins the 2018-2019 Friends of Music Concerto Competition
Stark awarded a 2018 Barlow Commission